My Friend,
If you aren’t familiar with my story, I was dead broke as recently as 2007. I mean literally, nothing in the bank and I couldn’t pay my rent.
Today I have a multi-million dollar net worth and sell over $100MM of real estate per year as the CEO of the Beer Home Team. I still work hard, because I love it and I choose to do it, but when I am with friends and family I am focused and present vs being perpetually distracted. I take my family on a month long trip EVERY YEAR where we rent an apartment in a place like Manhattan or another city of our choosing and live life to its fullest. In addition, we take two more week-long vacations and four additional weekends away.
If I can do it, there is no doubt in the world that you can too.
I understand the struggles of a real estate agent trying to break out and make it big. I know what it feels like to feel out of control. I know that even growth can be painful when you don’t have systems that are scalable.
If only I had been told 11 years ago that being a great real estate agent wouldn’t automatically translate into knowing how to build and structure a team that runs like a true business and is highly profitable, I may have been able to avoid years of frustration and struggle. I may have been able to avoid losing hundreds of thousands of dollars while building a highly flawed team, tearing it down, and then repeating the same mistake a second time, only in a different form. Not to mention the opportunity cost of all that wasted time and money!
I may have been able to shorten the period of time in which I was working upwards of 70 hour weeks and had forgotten the meaning of a day off. I may have been able to cause less stress and strain on my family as I routinely would leave the house early and arrive late only to continue being distracted by my incoming email and calls and the stress of tomorrow.
Truly sad if you think about it, yet almost every highly motivated person I know in real estate who initially got into it for the promise of freedom is stuck in this same frustrating pattern.
Fast forward to today and my team sells over $100M in real estate per year in one of the most competitive markets in the entire country. In 2016 that number exceeded $151M in sales!
My purpose here is to help you get there much faster than I did by helping you model our successes and avoid our failures. There is a proven path. You can shorten the struggle to the greatest degree possible. But I will be the first to tell you, that the struggle cannot be entirely circumvented. It can only be shortened.
Over the course of my eleven years I hired a multitude of coaches, consultants, and found mentors wherever possible. I read every article I could find online. I flew across the country to visit top producers at their office and took ferocious notes so I could implement their best practices. I masterminded with some of the highest producers in the nation. I devoured business
books like there was no tomorrow. I traveled across the country attending every real estate conference you can think of, many of them just adding to the confusion, distractions, and expense of figuring out what truly works and what doesn’t.
I tried virtually every lead generation system and source out there. I tested them, measured them, and held them accountable to a strong return on investment. I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars working through all of the noise in this industry to find what really works.
The result is that I develop a competitive advantage over real estate agents. See, I am not a real estate agent. I am a business person who happens to sell real estate. That mindset shift is unbelievably powerful. What I have learned I can apply to a multitude of other ventures and industries. Talk about teaching a man to fish.
The best part is that this is 100% teachable and can be implemented by anybody driven enough to do it. This is what I want to share with you.
But let me be clear, if you are looking for a solution that requires little work or commitment, then you will need to keep looking. I CAN’T HELP YOU.
I can’t help you if you are looking to get rich quick or if you want to bypass hard work. I can only give you industry proven best practices that I have validated in my own business, and I can help you dramatically shorten the learning curve and expense necessary to discover everything I have learned to scale my business to over $100MM in sales per year.
This is different from any real estate coaching, consulting, or training because this is a full blown business education using residential real estate as the vehicle. It is a true business operating system. When we look at sales and marketing, we do so from a business perspective, not a real estate agent perspective. This is the stuff the other guys don’t teach or just gloss over from a 10,000 foot view. We go deep.
I am here to help you take a much more direct and much less expensive path to success than the one I had to go through. A proven path to a sustainable business that is worth owning and that serves you at the highest level. One that frees you to have more time with those you love. One that empowers you to live the life you want while serving others on your team and in your community with tremendous value.